Thorium Norway AS is at the forefront of developing thorium-based nuclear power solutions. Thorium is a more abundant, safer, and cleaner alternative to uranium. By leveraging thorium, we aim to transform the global nuclear power landscape, making it more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Benefits of Thorium-Based Nuclear Power
- Efficient Resource Utilization: Thorium-based fuels make better use of natural resources, resulting in less waste generation compared to uranium.
- Enhanced Safety: Thorium fuels reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation and terrorism, offering a safer option for nuclear energy production.
- Improved Reactor Performance: Thorium fuels enhance the performance and safety of nuclear reactors.
- Waste Reduction: Thorium has the potential to destroy existing plutonium stockpiles, significantly reducing long-lived nuclear waste.

Projects and Achievements
Th.Add Project: This project explores introducing 5-10% thorium into conventional uranium oxide fuel to improve performance and reduce environmental impact. Th.Add fuel is designed for use in existing light water reactors (LWRs), which make up 90% of the world’s nuclear reactors. Testing of Th.Add fuel was conducted in the Halden research reactor in Norway from 2013 until operations ceased in 2018, offering valuable insights for further development.
Th.Mox Project: This project investigates replacing 90% of uranium in mixed oxide (MOX) fuel with thorium to achieve higher utilization and incineration of plutonium. Th.Mox fuel is also compatible with existing LWRs, with the potential to reduce the global plutonium stockpile. Testing of Th.Mox fuel began in early 2018 but was interrupted when the Halden reactor was permanently shut down later that year.
Future Prospects
Thorium Norway AS is exploring the use of thorium-based fuels in advanced reactors, including accelerator-driven systems (ADS), molten salt reactors (MSR), and advanced LWRs. These reactors have the potential for higher conversion and breeding of fissile uranium-233 from thorium, leading to more sustainable and efficient energy generation.